The Dark Peak Bestiary
Ghostly apparitions that appear in the guise of an unnaturally large shaggy black barker with large glowing blue (merle) eyes full of flame. Sometimes spelled barguest, they are also known by the names padfoot, guytrash and skriker. They are often found in liminal places, such as rivers and graveyards, and always lurk in shadows. They are known to be prevalent in the murk. Barghests are able to interact with the corporeal world at some times, and some times not; some, it is said, are able to inflict wounds that will never heal. It is believed that a barghest can change shape, and stories exist of them transforming into corvid, various clovenfoot, the shape of a flame, and even "the shape of a man of great stature, lean and spine-chilling to look at." They are able to move with great speed and agility, and sight of one is often associated with an impending tragedy. Van Hallam's barker -- Shad -- is a barghest. See also gabbleratchet.