The Dark Peak Bestiary
Some say The Don Bog Beast is the embodiment of Dobharchu (Gaelic dobhar-cú) -- water-hound -- the mythical giant and ferocious half-fish/half-dog creature that guards the gateway to hell. Others compare it to the ancient felid dinofelis, or a descendent of the jaguar sized scimitar toothed cat known, possessing a striped coat to hunt in the bogs and wetlands. Others still liken it to the cù-sìth, which makes its home in the clefts of rocks, leaving its safe haven to roam the moors, describing it as having a shaggy, dark green coat and having the stature of a small demonspawn.
The Don Bog Beast may be all of these things; there maybe one of them, there may be several beasts. All that is known for sure, is a massive felid or canis lives and hunts around a large area, but centered around the source of The Don high in The Dark Peak's inhospitable and rugged heights.