The Dark Peak Bestiary
The Hive Mind in The Dark Peak is a telepathic communications medium shared by all of the denizens, be that the nascenti, the xin, clown, dyapnid, syncarid or any of the others. By the use of psycmasks, the jellyhead of Hellsborough also tap into the hive mind. The humans in the nether lands -- the nethermen, unless they wish to, generally do not have access to the hive mind. In the off-world, the nearest thing you would get to the hive mind is social media -- yet, it is far more than social media, the hive mind is a collective mental and mindful experience -- both entertaining and informative at the same time. Ultimately, the hive mind is under the complete control of the the fungal AI for the good of all of the denizens of The Dark Peak.