Hellsborough & The Dark Peak

Discovering the unexplored parallel world of Sheffield, S6 -- Hellsborough and The Dark Peak


The Dark Peak Bestiary

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The Loxley Kraken

Believed to dwell under the bridge in that most liminal of places -- Hellsborough corner -- where the crossroads, the river and the bridge all exist in the same space, the Loxley Kraken one of the many cryptids of the murk, said to grab passersby from the street above, drown them in the chilly waters of the Loxley river by enveloping them with its many tentacled arms, and after storing their cadavers until well composed, suck the meat from the bones -- which then wash down river to collect at the confluence of the Dun. Some believe that the bones of those that meet their end in this way float all the way to the Ripperthroat mountains, where they are eventually met by dunlockslyn.

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