Hellsborough & The Dark Peak

Discovering the unexplored parallel world of Sheffield, S6 -- Hellsborough and The Dark Peak


The Dark Peak Bestiary

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Solitary female mercenary warriors, specialising in all forms of quantum-organic computing. A xaexs stands sometimes in excess of 8 feet tall, has two sets of fully developed and very muscular arms, is naturally heavily armoured, and an expert in numerous weapons and forms of combat. Often described as a samurai cockroach, they are independent, disciplined, well trained, silent operators; extremely hard to kill and -- utterly, utterly -- ruthless.

On occasion, they can be found in Hellsborough and are known to work for or with clowns, the xin and humans in the nether lands -- the nethermen. Small in number, but since they are such effective combatants, you don't need many of them to do a lot of damage. The xaexs are rarely ever seen together, preferring to operate alone.

They speak their own peculiar language, but can communicate with other denizens via telepathy and the hive mind. Some say they possess the ability to fly, but no wings are visible and there is no evidence other than hearsay. When not in Hellsborough, they are believed to reside where the murk lays thickest.

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