Hellsborough & The Dark Peak

Discovering the unexplored parallel world of Sheffield, S6 -- Hellsborough and The Dark Peak


The Dark Peak Bestiary

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Boggarts (sometime referred to as Hobs) are, when visible, knuckle dragging, squat hairy humanoids that exist in the murk and are associated with a specific physical location. They can be found indoors and outdoors; the former knock on doors, throw stones, break dishes, and cause other such nuisances at night, but will also perform household chores or labour in return for a saucer of milk. Most of he historic residences of The Dark Peak are known to house boggarts, including Crawshaw Head and Sugworth Hall. The outdoor types are most active at the approach of the gloaming, and live in liminal places: River banks and marshland, caves and holes in the ground, under bridges, as well as on sharp bends in the roads; places where they are likely to scare the living daylights out of any passing stranger.

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